The Rural

Crime statistics: How does Melbourne fare against wider Australia?

How does the cultural capital of the country fare against the rest of Australia when it comes to crime rates? Picture Shutterstock
How does the cultural capital of the country fare against the rest of Australia when it comes to crime rates? Picture Shutterstock

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As Australia's second-largest city, Melbourne is known for its bustling nightlife, cultural events, and diverse population. Compared to the rest of the country, it also has its fair share of crime. So, how does the cultural capital of the country fare against the rest of Australia when it comes to crime rates? Let's take a closer look.

Overall crime rates in Melbourne

According to the most recent data from the Australian Government, the overall crime rate in Melbourne city has increased in the past 3 years. This is a significant concern and reflects a trend that has been ongoing for several years. In contrast, Victoria has seen a steady decline in its crime rate since 2011.

As of March 2023, Victoria had a crime index of 44.0. In comparison, the national average crime index was 49.25, judged over 18 major cities nationwide. Victoria still has some higher than average state crimes when you delve into specifics, such as in the area property crime, as issues in Melbourne and Greater Melbourne spread out into the rest of the state.

Violent crime in Melbourne

During 2022, Victoria had a total of 83,605 recorded incidents of violent crime. While this is a decrease from the previous year, which recorded 84,612 violent crimes, there is still room for improvement. Melbourne has also seen a rise in certain types of violent crime.

For example, there has been an increase in the number of assaults and robberies in the city since the pandemic began. This has led to concerns about safety in certain areas of the city.

Property crime in Melbourne

When it comes to property crime, Melbourne fares worse than the national average. In the year ending September 2022, Victoria had a total of 243,874 recorded incidents of property crime, most of which were in Melbourne and Greater Melbourne.

This equates to a rate of around 3,700 incidents per 100,000 people (3.7 per cent of households). In comparison, the national average was 194,100 households (2.0 per cent of households) experiencing break-ins. This is one area where the whole state is impacted by crime.

It is also worth noting that certain types of property crime have increased in Melbourne in recent years. For example, there has been a rise in the number of burglaries in some areas of the city, particularly in the suburbs just outside the CBD, such as Coburg, Richmond, and Collingwood.

This has led to an increased demand for security measures such as adding a deadlock to the front door and locks to all external windows. Although this is bad news for many, locksmiths are experiencing an upturn in business, particularly those open 24 hours, such as this locksmith in Richmond.

Drug crime in Melbourne

Drug crime is a growing problem in Melbourne and other parts of Australia. In the year ending September 2021, Victoria had a total of 36,440 recorded incidents of drug offences. This equates to a rate of 547.3 incidents per 100,000 people. While this is a decrease from the previous year, it is still higher than the national average of 437.7 incidents per 100,000 people.

The persistence of drug-related crime in Melbourne has led to calls for greater investment in drug treatment and rehabilitation programs. There is also a growing focus on harm reduction strategies, such as pill testing and safe injecting facilities, to help reduce the harm associated with drug use.

What can be done to improve the situation?

One approach is to increase police presence and resources, which can help deter crime and catch offenders. The Victoria Police force has been working to increase the number of officers and improve their technology and training, which is a step in the right direction.

If you're concerned about the safety of your home or business, it's important to take measures to secure it. As a bonus, this might even lower your insurance costs at home. It's well worth looking into, even for added peace of mind. Remember to stay informed about crime trends and take steps to protect yourself and your community too.

Another approach is to address the underlying causes of crime, such as poverty, unemployment, and drug addiction. By providing support and resources to individuals and communities facing these issues, we can reduce the likelihood of them turning to crime.

It's also important to improve community engagement and education around crime prevention. This can include initiatives like neighbourhood watch programs, anti-bullying campaigns in schools, and public safety education campaigns.

It's also crucial to acknowledge that crime statistics only tell part of the story. Behind every number is a real person who has been affected by crime. It's essential to approach this issue with empathy and compassion for all victims and their families, as well as for those who have been involved in criminal activity.

By working towards prevention, supporting those affected by crime, and treating all individuals with respect and compassion, we can make strides towards creating a safer and more secure community for all.

It won't happen overnight, but by taking proactive steps and working together, we can make a positive impact on crime rates in Melbourne, helping our city stand out for all the right reasons.